The book entails Martijn Bos’ journey to Trojan Workout and lays out its principles and protocols to endeavour on Trojan Workout, transforming body and mind. It covers his early childhood and how his love for Martial Arts and his own need to perform better, paved the way to create the most effective and intelligent training method there. He shares all his empirical knowledge and his lifetime experience as a teacher, MMA fighter and trainer. By reading this book we hope to inspire you and provide you with all the empowerment tools to connect with your personal strength.
Step 1: Get Inspired
Feel great. Stand strong. That is what Trojan Workout will do for you. The goal of Trojan Workout is to transform and empower body and mind. A transformation starts with curiosity, becoming inspired and committing yourself. We will teach you to focus on the process of growth and learn to love every step of it. You will see your efforts come to fruition, with actual changes to your physical and mental performance.
Challenging yourself means leaving your comfort zone, accepting the struggle and expanding your limits. This is what we get if we put in the work. We all have our unique learning curve. Don’t compete with others, compete with yourself. Take it on with Trojan Workout.
Step 2: How to build a sharper mind and a stronger body
Intense physical effort is required to build and strengthen the body. A proper Trojan Workout will tax a participant physically and mentally. The mental taxation associated with Trojan Workout builds and strengthens focus, concentration and alertness. There is a hormonal reaction that occurs when the requisite intensities are achieved during Trojan Workout. Adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and norepinephrine flood the bloodstream. This flood of hormones aids in muscle growth, accelerating recovery and sharpens the mind. This is also why the trainee has a feeling of well-being and centeredness.
Your workout is an inner struggle. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s hard but it is always a (safe) way of fighting. A conflict is sometimes physical but always mental. During a workout, you are going through mental resistance, you practice staying focused and to stand strong while you are getting tired. We embody this with a Trojan Pose. The secret of developing these mental assets lies in using them during your workout. If you practice them under taxing, stressful circumstances, you can use the mental power principles anywhere. You will not just perform better and train more safely; You can implement them in the way you look at challenges and let them become part of the way you stand strong in life.
Use the Trojan Workout app I’ve developed and experience the great benefits of Trojan Workout. You will find an increasing amount of Trojan Sets to compete with yourself and develop a lean, strong and healthy body and a sharp mind.
Step 3: Become a Trojan Workout instructor
Join our mission to empower the world and master the principles of the most effective strength training method there is. Empower yourself and others.
You can help ordinary people obtain extraordinary results by becoming a Certified Trojan Workout Instructor. Within two days you will learn everything there is know about Trojan Workout and how to train a group with different levels and goals simultanously, from beginners to professional athletes, safe and injury free. As a Trojan Workout Instructor you become KNKF certified as well.
After certifying you can become a member of the Trojan Workout Community, get lots of discounts, access to potential customers and other growth opportunities.