Martijn Bos is the founder and designer of Trojan Workout, the most effective strength training there is. He trains and coaches people who want to grow stronger, physically and mentally. He has over 20 years of experience in physical and mental health, business coaching and empowerment training. He is the owner of Trojan Power Academy, a training centre for personal growth through Krav Maga, Trojan Workout and Mental Power Coaching. He is the world’s first IKMF EIT’s (Expert Instructor Team) and since 2017 is one of the world’s highest certified Krav Maga Experts. Martijn is a key speaker and gives empowerment training across the globe.

Martijn grew up as a frightened and bullied child. He was 9 years old when he found Martial Arts. His dedication to learning Martial Arts saved him. Training gave him structure, focus and purpose. He dedicated every spare minute to improving his fighting skills and strength. Trojan Workout was born out of his personal need for an intelligent and effective strength training method. After perfecting these protocols with Elite Fighters within the Krav Maga community, it was ready to be shared with the wider public. Trojan Workout envelops all his skills and expertise, based on a life dedicated to mental and physical strength. His life mission is to connect people with their own personal strength. Everyone who wants to become stronger is able to do so through Trojan Workout.


Martijn Bos has used his lifetime of experience and knowledge to develop a training method suitable for everyone: Trojan Workout. The book Trojan Workout – The Fast Track to a Sharper Mind and a Stronger Body, explains the method, its techniques and covers its origin. The book launched in 2019 in the United States and has been sold in over more than 20 countries.

His approach and method are brought forth from a combination of mental training, human movement sciences, strength training and more than 30 years of experience in the world of Martial Arts. Martijn knows from his own experience what it takes to stand strong in life no matter what the circumstances are. You get to share in this hard fought for knowledge. His mission is helping people to gain insights  how to be empowered by one’s own personal strength.

With this teaching anyone can become physically and mentally empowered. Be ready for next version of yourself – with a sharper mind and a stronger body. 

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