We are constantly working to improve our services and products. However, there may be times when we have fallen short in doing so.

  1. If you have previously contacted us about a problem, but it has not been resolved properly to date, or the report has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can submit a complaint via our online complaint form.
  2. The management of Trojan Workout will send you a written confirmation of receipt within 1 week after receipt of the complaint form.
  3. The handling of your complaint is the responsibility of the management of Trojan Workout.
  4. The management of Trojan Workout will provide an adequate written response within three weeks of receipt. If the management is unable to provide an adequate response within this specified time, the person submitting the complaint will be informed within this period of time within which reasonable period will be responded to.
  5. The adequate response will consist of a written, substantiated assessment of all parts of the complaint submitted, as well as any measures that the management of Trojan Workout have taken or will take in response to the findings.
  6. If no agreement is reached between the submitter and the management of Trojan Workout about the complaint, the submitter can submit an objection to an independent third party.


You can submit an objection to an independent third party appointed by Trojan Workout if you are not satisfied with the substantive or procedural handling of your previously submitted complaint. An objection must always be substantiated in writing.

Trojan Workout appeals to this: as a permanent independent third party in the event of handling objections to complaints.

You can send the objection by post (with the substantiation added in attachments) to:

Yvonne Smedts, Jacob Catsstraat 33, 5921 XC Venlo

The appeal must include the following points:

  1. Name and address of the submitter
  2. Subject
  3. Details of the history of the complaints procedure
  4. Substantive argumentation of objection

The designated independent third party will conduct an investigation upon receipt of the notice of objection. In this investigation, the parties involved are heard and advice is obtained. Within twenty working days after receipt of the notice of objection, the independent third party will inform the submitter and the management of Trojan Workout of the decision. The judgment of the independent third party is binding on Trojan Workout. In that case, the management of Trojan Workout will guarantee the proper settlement of this binding advice.


Both the complainant and the recipient of the complaint (Trojan Workout) will treat this confidentially during the procedure and for at least 2 years after submission and receipt of the complaint. This means that no statements will be made by either party about the content of the complaint and about the possible parties involved, unless written permission has been given by one party to the other.


All complaints received are registered in Trojan Workout’s Complaints Registration System. In this registration system, the progress and outcome of the handling of the complaint is recorded and stored for at least 2 years.

You can send your complaints by e-mail to the following email address: